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Lotteria PokéPoints - Terza MegaEstrazione Estiva


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 SuicuneVersioneAnimata.gifSuicune ~AnimatoRaikouAnimato.gif.2aecabe8d8c540178d8257158076f1bb.gifRaikou ~ Animato by @Alemat

Repubblica Gialla di Alemat RioluMarciaStendardo.gif by @Alemat


Claude_FE_Viverna.gifClaudeFE.png Claude Fire Emblem Three Houses by @Alemat


 Icon Damon/ Chrom Fire Emblem by @chube

 Damon-1.png Chrom1.png          :starter:   Icon by @Diamaxus Tobirama Senju tobirama_icon.png 

 Grifontuono Phoenix Ball creata da @Mana Pok-Ball-Sprite-Zaino.png                        @Vale Art

@Korippo Lime @Vale 57be10aa82097a56c90f5dc4c70bd9a26944a0f5 



Icon by @PeterPan7zugTYj.png 








Fiocchi commemorazione by @Lugialeon 19/08/18


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Ringrazio @LuckyTia del tag

Partecipo e taggo @BloodyRed e @Looker


Pokèmon forti. Pokèmon deboli. Sono distinzioni dettate dall'egoismo.  Gli allenatori davvero in gamba dovrebbero vincere con i loro preferiti.VSKaren.png

Spero che spammare waifu mi porti un po' di fortuna 

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Apelle figlio d'apollo fece una palla di pelle di pollo, tutti i pesci vennero a galla a mangiare la palla di pelle di pollo, fatta d'apelle figlio d'apollo


Senior.png.4354faa0c0e808e85355804f5414cd49.pngREBEL.png.f52431664f7ab1c45f308ffed5e91d91.png(targhette by @Riolu007)

:Stelline:HH MEMORIES:Stelline:


Tassofuocosecsi.png.e4d952e06bbdd85fbfa064b505cb8bb3.png                                          (banner by @Combo)

UWUWU.png.127d7fe8210e7f61b1a1937b6da6cdc5.png                                                                     La VERA Patronus Ball


369059218_Teamsgraziato.png.888e607edfdf10f4805e315d364b1f86.pngATR MEMORIES369059218_Teamsgraziato.png.888e607edfdf10f4805e315d364b1f86.png


1272045331_Sgraziatiinaereo.png.515e7d133a741de2b1b8463b6dcfaea9.png        Hipppy.png.d454feece18468788d74fffdf5fa5e34.png                         (Banner e doll by @Porygatto)


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Per tripofobia si intende la presunta fobia di gruppi irregolari di piccoli buchi o protuberanze. Questa condizione non è ufficialmente riconosciuta come disturbo mentale ed è raramente citata in articoli scientifici. La parola è formata dal greco τρύπα, trýpa, che significa "buco" e φόβος, phóbos, che significa “paura”.


By @kingdom


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 :Stelline:VISITATE LAd3b7mww-b775dacb-a30c-4e93-bbbf-9ff60956MIA GALLERY :Stelline:


Cliccate sul banner!






"The important thing is not how long you live. It's what you accomplish with your life. When I live, I want to shine. I want to prove that I exist. If I could do something really important, that would definitely carry on into the future. And so, if I were to disappear, I think that all I have accomplished will go on. That is, that would mean that it’s living, right?"                                  

                             -Grovyle, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky



:Stelline:Bambola Vincitore Programma Fedeltà 2021 :Stelline:




758778594_Lucario-StaffPX.png.c513dd7c192b91a5c5ec85e3019432f8-6.png.951e7f4959461dfdbac486f1db620688.png targhetta staff Project X by @Riolu007



Riolu su un kart by @evilespeon



Targhetta vincitore GDR TD Regions, piccola flexatina per la prima cosa buona che ho fatto su PM



By @Vale


PatronusBall.pngPatronus Ball aka Secsi Ball.

Grandi Tassi!


By @Chube



Sede e membri del Project X by @Taka (Io sono il Riolu sulla panchina)





Immagine del profilo by @AdvosArt su X

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Partecipo grazie @ThiccQwilfish :D provo ad aumentare anch'io la fortuna HGSS_VSSabrina.png combo 2 hit! :yeah:




Biglietto regolarmente acquistato da @Vale :yeah:

          N2B2_Velia.gif    image-png-f804d64aea4c18170ef63c930b9911 < 42° sostenitore #FreeVelia

Targhetta realizzata da @Ilperico :yeah:



                                8fI1zUP.png < Scopri il tuo TSV

R.OMEGA > 0399      Y > 1801, 2790

      Moon 0488           UltraMoon > 0424 

    Sun > 1091              UltraSun > 0046



IMxgnFs.png < Click

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What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
What will we do with a drunken sailor?
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Shave his belly with a rusty razor
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
Put him in a long boat till his sober
Put him in a long boat till his sober
Put him in a long boat till his sober
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom
Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom
Stick him in a scupper with a hosepipe bottom
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
Put him in the bed with the captains daughter
Put him in the bed with the captains daughter
Put him in the bed with the captains daughter
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
That's what we do with a drunken sailor
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Way hay and up she rises
Early in the morning!
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